% Encoding: UTF-8 @Book{DejicaHansenSandriniPara2016, Title = {Language in the Digital Era. Challenges and Perspectives}, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Daniel Dejica; Gyde Hansen; Peter Sandrini; Iulia Para (eds.)}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft, Kulturwissenschaft}, Publisher = {de Gruyter Open}, Year = {2016}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {12.11.2015} } @Inbook{Arntz2007, Title = {Präzision versus Vagheit. Das Dilemma der Rechtssprache im Lichte von Rechtsvergleich und Sprachvergleich}, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Arntz, Reiner and Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Indeterminacy in Terminology and LSP}, Editor = {Bassey Edem Antia}, Pages = {135--153}, Publisher = {John Benjamins}, Year = {2007}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen, Terminologie}, Pdf = {arntz-sandrini.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Conference{Ciola1999, Title = {Terminologie \& WWW. Eine neue Dimension des Terminologiemanagements}, Author = {Ciola, Bruno and Mayer, Felix and Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {TeKom Frühjahrstagung Innsbruck 6.-7. Mai 1999}, Year = {1999}, Pages = {20--23}, Pdf = {:tagung.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Book{DeSanti2009, Title = {Wellness. Termini und Definitionen}, Address = {Institut für Translationswissenschaft, Innsbruck}, Author = {De Santi, D.; Fister, S.; Plangger, J.; Saurer, C.; Schwarz, J.}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Publisher = {Lulu.com}, Year = {2009}, Pdf = {wellness.pdf}, Booktitle = {Wellness Glossar}, Editor = {Sandrini, Peter}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {15.09.2009} } @Book{Eibl2009, Title = {Almwirtschaft. Glossar Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch}, Address = {Institut für Translationswissenschaft, Innsbruck}, Author = {Eibl, Jutta; Kremer, Daniela}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Publisher = {Lulu.com}, Year = {2009}, Pdf = {almglossar.pdf}, Editor = {Jäger, Georg; Sandrini, Peter (Hg.)}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {15.09.2009} } @Inbook{Sandrini2008b, Title = {Neue Formen der Fachkommunikation. oder alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen}, Address = {Köln}, Author = {Mayer, Felix; Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Terminologie und Fachkommunikation. Akten des Symposions, Mannheim 18.-19. April 2008. Deutscher Terminologietag e.V.}, Editor = {Mayer, F.: Schmitz, K.-D.}, Pages = {17-28}, Publisher = {DTT}, Year = {2008}, Keywords = {Fachkommunikation}, Pdf = {dtt2008.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {15.09.2009} } @Article{Mayer1999, Title = {Fischen im Netz. Neue Möglichkeiten der Terminologierecherche und des Terminologiemanagements}, Author = {Mayer, Felix; Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {TeKom}, Pages = {10--12}, Volume = {2/99}, Year = {1999}, File = {:text.html:URL}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Mayr1999, Title = {Coming to Terms with Legal Information}, Address = {Wien}, Author = {Mayr, Elisabeth; Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Terminology and Knowledge Engineering TKE '99}, Editor = {Sandrini, Peter}, Pages = {455--463}, Publisher = {TermNet}, Year = {1999}, Keywords = {Terminologie, Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {tke99.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Book{OhnheiserPoecklSandrini2011, Title = {Translation - Sprachvariation - Mehrsprachigkeit. Festschrift für Lew Zybatow zum 60. Geburtstag}, Address = {Frankfurt a.M. et al.}, Author = {Ohnheiser, Ingeborg; Pöckl, Wolfgang; Sandrini, Peter (Hg.)}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft, Weblokalisierung}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2011}, Pdf = {/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/FS-Zybatow.pdf}, Booktitle = {Translation - Sprachvariation - Mehrsprachigkeit. Festschrift für L. Zybatow zum 60. Geburtstag}, Owner = {c61302}, Pages = {541}, Timestamp = {27.08.2010} } @Inbook{Sandrini2014a, Title = {Multinational legal terminology in a paper dictionary?}, Address = {Surrey, Burlington}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Legal lexicography: a comparative perspective}, Editor = {Máirtín Mac Aodha}, Pages = {141-152}, Publisher = {Ashgate Publishing}, Year = {2014}, Keywords = {Terminologie, Rechtsübersetzen}, Series = {Law, Language and Communication}, File = {:legalpaper.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {03.12.2012}, Url = {http://books.google.at/books?id=PzHjBAAAQBAJ} } @Inbook{Sandrini2010, Title = {Wie fachlich ist das WWW? Zum Fachlichkeitsgrad webgebundener Translationsaufträge.}, Address = {Tübingen}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Fach – Translat – Kultur: Interdisziplinäre Aspekte der vernetzten Vielfalt}, Editor = {Baumann, Klaus-Dieter}, Pages = {449-466}, Publisher = {Franck \& Timme}, Year = {2012}, Keywords = {Fachsprachenforschung, Translationswissenschaft}, Pdf = {/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/fachweb.pdf}, Series = {Forum für Fachsprachenforschung 98/99}, File = {:fachweb.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {01.12.2009} } @Inbook{Sandrini2004a, Title = {Globalisierung und mehrsprachige Rechtskommunikation}, Address = {München}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {4. Deutscher Gerichtsdolmetschertag 28.-29. Oktober 2004, München. Tagungsband.}, Editor = {BDÜ}, Pages = {25--37}, Publisher = {BDÜ}, Year = {2004}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {bdue04.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Electronic{Sandrini2012b, Title = {Terminologische Eineindeutigkeit im Recht und Regionale Minderheitensprachen}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Url = {www.rechtsterminologie.be}, Year = {2012}, Address = {Eupen, Belgium}, Booktitle = {Drei Sprachen - ein Recht. Terminologie als Faktor der Rechtssicherheit in Belgien}, Editor = {Brüls, Manuel}, File = {:eineindeutig.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {12.06.2012} } @Inbook{Sandrini1996c, Title = {Der Rechtsbegriff: Implikationen für die mehrsprachige Terminologiearbeit}, Address = {Wien}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Mulitlingualism in Specialist Communication}, Editor = {Budin, Gerhard}, Pages = {1105--1123}, Publisher = {TermNet}, Year = {1996}, Abstract = {ÜA MUL 13171}, Keywords = {Terminologie, Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {:aila.pdf:PDF}, Comment = {Rechtssprache}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/aila.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06}, Volume = {Vol. 2} } @Article{Sandrini2008a, Title = {Localization and Translation}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {MuTra Journal}, Pages = {167-191}, Volume = {2}, Year = {2008}, Address = {Amsterdam}, Editor = {Budin, G.; Gertrud Hofer, G.; Gerzymisch-Arbogast, Heidrun}, Keywords = {Weblokalisierung}, Pdf = {localiz.pdf}, Booktitle = {Key Issues in LSP Translation - An Introductory Reader.}, Owner = {c61302}, Publisher = {John Benjamins}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2004c, Title = {Transnationale interlinguale Rechtskommunikation: Translation als Wissenstransfer}, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Rechtssprache Europas. Reflexion der Praxis von Sprache und Mehrsprachigkeit im supranationalen Recht}, Editor = {Burr, Isolde; Christensen, Ralf; Müller, Friedrich}, Pages = {139--156}, Publisher = {Duncker \& Humblot}, Year = {2004}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {dgfs.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini1996b, Title = {Italienisches Recht in deutscher Sprache - terminologische Überlegungen}, Address = {Trento}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Parallela VI. Italiano e tedesco in contatto e a confronto - Italienisch und Deutsch im Kontakt und im Vergleich}, Editor = {Cordin, P; Iliescu, M; Siller-Runggaldier, H}, Pages = {399--419}, Publisher = {Editrice Università degli Studi di Trento, Trento}, Year = {1996}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {:parallel.pdf:PDF}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/parallel.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini1996a, Title = {Neue Entwicklungen in der rechnergestützten Terminologieverwaltung}, Address = {Köln}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Terminologie für ein vielsprachiges Europa. Akten des Symposions Köln, 12.-13. April 1996}, Editor = {DTT}, Pages = {85--100}, Publisher = {Deutscher Terminologietag}, Year = {1996}, Abstract = {ISBN 3-00-000840-3}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Pdf = {:dtt.pdf:PDF}, Comment = {Terminographie}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/dtt.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini1997, Title = {Terminologieausbildung im Curriculum für Sprachmittler}, Address = {Tübingen}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Translationsdidaktik. Grundfragen der Übersetzungswissenschaft. Proceedings zur VI. Leipziger Konferenz zu Grundfragen der Übersetzungswissenschaft}, Editor = {Fleischmann, E; Kutz, W; Schmitt, PA}, Pages = {497--507}, Publisher = {Gunter Narr}, Year = {1997}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Pdf = {:leipzig.pdf:PDF}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/leipzig.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini1996d, Title = {Comparative Analysis of Legal Terms: Equivalence Revisited}, Address = {Frankfurt}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {TKE '96}, Editor = {Galinski, Ch; Schmitz, K-D}, Pages = {342--351}, Publisher = {Indeks}, Year = {1996}, Keywords = {Terminologie, Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {:tke96.pdf:PDF}, Comment = {Recht, Äquivalenz,}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/tke96.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2008c, Title = {Kommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Recht und Sprachen}, Address = {Wien}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Volksgruppen und regionale Selbstverwaltung in Europa. Akten des Symposions, Innsbruck 12.-13. November 2007.}, Editor = {Gamper, Anna; Pan, C.}, Pages = {203-213}, Publisher = {Nomos, facultas.wuv}, Year = {2008}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {volks2007.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {15.09.2009} } @Inbook{Sandrini2006a, Title = {LSP Translation and Globalization}, Address = {Frankfurt}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Insights into Specialized Translation}, Editor = {Gotti, M.; Sarcevic, S.}, Pages = {107--120}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2006}, Keywords = {Fachsprachenforschung, Translationswissenschaft}, Pdf = {:insights.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini1999c, Title = {Deutsche Rechtssprache für italienisches Recht: Der Fall Südtirol}, Address = {Baden-Baden}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Recht und Übersetzen}, Editor = {de Groot, Gerard-René; Schulze, Reiner}, Pages = {189--200}, Publisher = {Nomos}, Year = {1999}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {drecht.pdf}, Comment = {Rechtsübersetzung}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2001b, Title = {Lokal, regional, global: Fachgebundenes translatorisches Handeln und Wissenstransfer in der modernen Weltgesellschaft}, Address = {Frankfurt am Main}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Grenzen erfahren - sichtbar machen - überwinden}, Editor = {Hebenstreit, G}, Pages = {219--232}, Publisher = {Lang, Frankfurt am Main}, Year = {2001}, Keywords = {Kulturwissenschaft, Translationswissenschaft}, Pdf = {prunc.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2014c, Title = {Open Translation Data: Neue Herausforderung oder Ersatz für Sprachkompetenz?}, Address = {Innsbruck}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Datenflut und Informationskanäle}, Editor = {Heike Ortner, Daniel Pfurtscheller, Michaela Rizzolli, Andreas Wiesinger}, Pages = {185-194}, Publisher = {IUP}, Year = {2014}, Abstract = {Durch das ubiquitäre Netz nimmt das Speichern, Bearbeiten und Wiederverwenden von Daten jeglicher Art immer mehr an Bedeutung zu, während Zugang zu und Rechte an Daten zu einer zentralen gesellschaftlichen Frage werden. In diesem Beitraag stehen die verschiedenen Arten und die Beschreibung der im Zuge der Mehrsprachigkeit und der Translation anfallenden Daten im Mittelpunkt, ebenfalls die Frage nach der gesellschaftlichen Relevanz dieser Art von Daten. Der neue Begriff der „Open Translation Data“ wird erklärt und seine Auswirkungen auf das Übersetzen und die Mehrsprachigkeit im Allgemeinen sowie auf die Sprach- und Translationskompetenz im Besonderen diskutiert.}, File = {:medien-opendata.pdf:PDF} } @Inbook{Sandrini2009b, Title = {Zu viel, zu wenig oder wie viel an Lokalisierung? Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie zur Lokalisierung von Webauftritten}, Address = {München}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Fachsprache, elektronische Wörterbücher, multimediale Datenbanken. Empirische Forschungsansätze der Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaft. Festschrift Marcello Soffritti zum 60. Geburtstag}, Editor = {Heinrich, W.; Heiss, Christine}, Pages = {237-248}, Publisher = {iudicium}, Year = {2009}, Keywords = {Weblokalisierung}, Pdf = {fssoffritti.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini1998b, Title = {Terminographie und Textographie. Parallelen und Synergien}, Address = {Wien}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Festschrift zum 50jährigen Bestehen des Innsbrucker Institutes}, Editor = {Holzer, P; Feyrer C.}, Pages = {185--201}, Publisher = {Lang}, Year = {1998}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft, Textlinguistik}, Pdf = {fest.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2012a, Title = {Kohärenz in mehrsprachigen Webauftritten}, Address = {Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles,}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {«Es geht sich aus...» zwischen Philologie und Translationswissenschaft. Translation als Interdisziplin - Festschrift für Wolfgang Pöckl}, Editor = {Holzer, Peter; Feyrer, Cornelia; Gampert, Vanessa}, Pages = {243-252}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2012}, Keywords = {Weblokalisierung}, Pdf = {/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/fspockl.pdf}, Series = {InnTrans. Innsbrucker Beiträge zu Sprache, Kultur und Translation}, File = {:fspockl.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2012.02.24}, Volume = {Bd. 5} } @Inbook{Sandrini2004d, Title = {Institutsschwerpunkt Medien und Translation}, Address = {Innsbruck}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Innsbruck Media Studies IMS}, Editor = {Hug, Theo et al.}, Pages = {29-32}, Publisher = {Leopold–Franzens Universität sowie Research Studios Austria / ARC Seibersdorf Research GmbH}, Year = {2004}, Pdf = {/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/medien2004.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2011.10.12} } @Inbook{Sandrini2018a, Title = {Terminology work in different domains: legal terminology}, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Languages for special purposes: an International handbook}, Editor = {Humbley, John; Budin, Gerhard; Laurén, Christer}, Pages = {509-521}, Publisher = {De Gruyter}, Year = {2018}, Timestamp = {07.11.2018} } @InBook{Sandrini2018b, author = {Sandrini, Peter}, booktitle = {Languages for special purposes: an International handbook}, title = {Legal Translation}, editor = {Humbley, John; Budin, Gerhard; Laurén, Christer}, location = {Tubinga}, pages = {548-562}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, timestamp = {07.11.2018}, year = {2018}, } @Inbook{Sandrini2008d, Title = {Translationsrelevanter Hypertextvergleich}, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Sprachenvielfalt im Kontext von Fachkommunikation, Übersetzung und Fremdsprachenunterricht. Festschrift für Reiner Arntz}, Editor = {Krings, H.P.; Mayr, F.}, Pages = {221-231}, Publisher = {Frank \& Timme}, Year = {2008}, Keywords = {Textlinguistik, Weblokalisierung}, Pdf = {arntz.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {15.09.2009} } @Inbook{Sandrini2007a, Title = {Hypertexte als Zieltexte: Kulturspezifika und ihre Rolle fü die Translation}, Address = {Frankfurt am Main}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Ästhetik und Kulturwandel in der Übersetzung}, Editor = {Krysztofiak-Kaszynska, Maria}, Pages = {211-223}, Publisher = {Studia Germanica Posnaniensia}, Year = {2008}, Keywords = {Weblokalisierung}, Pdf = {kultur-hypertext.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2013, Title = {Mashup und Remix: Translation im digitalen Zeitalter}, Address = {Frankfurt}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Translation in Theorie und Praxis}, Editor = {Vlasta Kučiš}, Pages = {65-76}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2013}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft}, File = {:maribor.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {03.07.2012} } @Inbook{Sandrini2000, Title = {Joint Activities at the Interface between Terminology and Knowledge Engineering}, Address = {Paris}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Conference for a Terminology Infrastructure in Europe. Paris 13-15 March 2000}, Editor = {Unione Latine}, Pages = {125-131}, Publisher = {Unione Latine}, Year = {2000}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Pdf = {paris.pdf}, Comment = {GTW}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini1998a, Title = {Übersetzung von Rechtstexten: Die Rechtsordnung als Kommunikationsrahmen}, Address = {Copenhagen}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {LSP - Identity and Interface. Research, Knowledge and Society. Proceedings of the 11th European Symposium on Language for Special Purposes}, Editor = {Lundquist, L; Picht, H; Qvistgaard, J}, Pages = {865--876}, Publisher = {Copenhagen Business School}, Year = {1998}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {lsp97.pdf}, Comment = {Rechtsübersetzung}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/lsp97.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2019, Title = {Institutionelle Translationskompetenz}, Address = {Münster}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Institutionelle und individuelle Mehrsprachigkeit}, Editor = {Luttermann, Claus; Luttermann, Karin; Kazzazi Kerstin}, Pages = {91-109}, Publisher = {LIT}, Year = {2019}, Keywords = {Translationspraxis, Translationswissenschaft}, Series = {Rechtslinguistik: Studien zu Text und Kommunikation, Band 10}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {08.10.2019} } @Inbook{Sandrini2012c, Title = {Translationstechnologie im Curriculum der Übersetzerausbildung}, Address = {Dresden-Wroclaw}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Sprachenvielfalt in der EU und Translation. Translationstheorie trifft Translationspraxis}, Editor = {Malgorzewicz, Anna; Zybatow, Lew}, Pages = {107-120}, Publisher = {Neisse}, Year = {2012}, Abstract = {With the technological turn in translation studies translation technology is becoming more important. This paper analyzes the concept of translation technology and its status within Translation Studies and proposes a model of necessary components for a specific curriculum within translators training courses. For teaching the author stresses the importance of the use of free software on the basis of its evident advantages over proprietary software. An exemplary model of a translation technology course component is proposed with eight core modules that summarise its content.}, Edition = {3}, Keywords = {Open Source, Translationstechnologie, Translationswissenschaft}, Pdf = {/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/transtech-wroclaw.pdf}, Series = {Studia Translatorica}, File = {:transtech-wroclaw.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2012.02.24} } @Inbook{Sandrini2010c, Title = {Fachliche Translation}, Address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Diskurs und Terminologie beim Fachübersetzen und Dolmetschen. Discourse and Terminology in Specialist Translation and Interpreting}, Editor = {Maliszewski, Julian (Hg./ed.)}, Pages = {31-51}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2010}, Keywords = {Fachsprachenforschung, Translationswissenschaft, Fachkommunikation}, Pdf = {fachtrans.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {11.03.2010} } @Inbook{Sandrini1998d, Title = {La terminologia giuridica: Difficoltà di traduzione ed elementi per una metodologia specifica}, Address = {Padova}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {tradurre italiano e tedesco II. lessici settoriali a confronto}, Editor = {Marx, Sonia}, Pages = {57--73}, Publisher = {Unipress}, Year = {1998}, Abstract = {Vortrag in Udine am 28. Mai 1996 termgiur.zip 96k}, Keywords = {Terminologie, Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {termgiur.pdf}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/termgiur.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2016, Title = {Fachübersetzen}, Address = {Stuttgart}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Berufsziel Übersetzen und Dolmetschen: Grundlagen, Ausbildung, Arbeitsfelder}, Editor = {Mira Kadrić, Klaus Kaindl}, Pages = {88-101}, Publisher = {UTB Francke}, Year = {2016}, Abstract = {Dieser Band liefert ein differenziertes und aktuelles Panorama des Praxisfeldes Translation: der tätigkeitsbezogenen Kompetenzen sowie der didaktischen Anforderungen und Möglichkeiten. Zunächst werden ausgehend vom neuesten Forschungsstand ein Verständnis von Translation als soziale Praxis geschaffen sowie die grundlegenden Anforderungen, Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und Arbeitsmittel dargelegt. Danach erfolgt ein Einblick in die Tätigkeitsfelder, die von den klassischen Aufgabengebieten über neueste Berufsfelder bis hin zu verwandten Tätigkeitsbereichen reichen. Im dritten Teil werden exemplarisch in Form reflektierter Berichte erfahrener Praktiker die Abläufe in verschiedenen Berufsfeldern vermittelt. Durch das Spezifizieren der allgemeinen Bezeichnung „Übersetzen“ mit dem Präfix „Fach“ wird die Vorstellung einer allgemeinen Tätigkeit des Übersetzens um die distinktiven Charakteristika der Fachlichkeit erweitert, im Sinne des Übersetzens facheinschlägiger Texte. Das Fachübersetzen wird somit zu einer Art Zusatzkompetenz bzw. zu einer unter vielen anderen möglichen Formen des Übersetzens. Einen anderen, alternativen Ausgangspunkt nimmt ein, wer versucht, das Fachübersetzen von seinem ersten Bestandteil aus zu definieren und die Fachkommunikation als Grundlage für eine Beschreibung zu nehmen. Fachübersetzen wäre dann eine besondere Form der Fachkommunikation, die interlingual bzw. interkulturell abläuft. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses stünde damit das, was die interlinguale und transkulturelle Fachkommunikation von einer einsprachigen Fachkommunikation ohne Vermittlung unterscheidet. Eine solche Betrachtungsweise nähert sich dem Verständnis des Übersetzens als „Brückenbau“ bzw. als Dienstleistung, wobei nicht die akademische Selbstbetrachtung, sondern vielmehr die gesellschaftliche Rolle und Bedeutung des Übersetzens betont wird. Fachübersetzen wird zum integrativen Teil einer transkulturellen Fachkommunikation und ihre große Verantwortung für einen funktionierenden transkulturellen Dialog im entsprechenden Fachbereich wird dadurch unterstrichen.}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft, Translationspraxis, Fachsprachenforschung}, Note = {ISBN: 9783825244545}, Series = {4454} } @Inbook{Sandrini2013a, Title = {Open Translation Data - Die gesellschaftliche Funktion von Übersetzungsdaten}, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Aus Tradition in die Zukunft. Perspektiven der Translationswissenschaft. Festschrift für Christiane Nord}, Editor = {Nord, Britta; Mayer, Felix}, Pages = {27-37}, Publisher = {Frank \& Timme}, Year = {2013}, Keywords = {Translationstechnologie, Translationspraxis}, Pdf = {/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/fsnord.pdf}, File = {:fsnord.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {25.06.2013} } @Inbook{Sandrini1999d, Title = {Arbeit an und mit Datenbanken: Wissens- und Sprachmanagement durch Terminologie}, Address = {Innsbruck}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Sprachen in Europa}, Editor = {Ohnheiser, I; Kienpointner M}, Pages = {412-423}, Publisher = {Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft}, Year = {1999}, Keywords = {Translationstechnologie}, Pdf = {spreurop.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2011a, Title = {Das Medium WWW als translatinsdidaktische Herausforderung}, Address = {Frankfurt a.M. et al.}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Translation - Sprachvariation - Mehrsprachigkeit. Festschrift für L. Zybatow zum 60. Geburtstag}, Editor = {Ohnheiser, I.; Pöckl, W.; Sandrini, P.}, Pages = {235-247}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2011}, Pdf = {/home/peter/daten/refs/publik/twebdidak.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {27.08.2010} } @Inbook{Sandrini2016b, Title = {Towards a Digital Translation Policy}, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Language in the Digital Era. Challenges and Perspectives}, Editor = {Daniel Dejica; Gyde Hansen; Peter Sandrini; Iulia Para}, Publisher = {de Gruyter Open}, Year = {2016}, Abstract = {Translation policy represents a core component of an efficient language policy, It guarantees that multilingual communication works as intended within a company, organization or institution. This paper looks at the contents of such a translation policy and tries to outline the effects of a general digitalization and globalization of the translation industry. By describing these changes the necessity of a sensible translation technology policy – in the sense of what kind of translation technology should be deployed, used by whom and when, on what kind of texts, etc. – is stressed. Also, the need for an overall strategy with regard to translation data and language resources in general is addressed and integrated into the concept of an overall translation technology policy.}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft, Translationstechnologie}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {12.11.2015} } @Inbook{Sandrini2004b, Title = {„Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam“:Die Suche nach der eigenen Positionierung}, Address = {Wien}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Übersetzungswissenschaft - Dolmetschwissenschaft. Wege in eine neue Disziplin}, Editor = {Pöckl, Wolfgang}, Pages = {299--304}, Publisher = {Praesens}, Year = {2004}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft}, Pdf = {dekade.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini1993, Title = {Übersetzerausbildung und EDV}, Address = {Graz}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Proceedings zur internationalen Konferenz "electronics \& translation" Graz 23.-25.11.1992}, Editor = {Prunc, E.; Stachl-Peier, U.}, Pages = {103--113}, Publisher = {Grazer Translation Studies GTS}, Year = {1993}, Keywords = {Translationstechnologie}, Pdf = {EDVUEB.pdf}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/EDVUEB.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2017a, Title = {Der Wert ungleicher Lösungen: Wider ein unangebrachtes Äquivalenzdenken}, Address = {Bratislava}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Quo Vadis, Rechtsübersetzung}, Editor = {JANA RAKŠÁNYIOVÁ}, Pages = {77-99}, Publisher = {UNIVERZITA KOMENSKÉHO, V BRATISLAVE}, Year = {2017}, File = {:aequicontext.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {12.12.2017} } @Inbook{Sandrini2011b, Title = {Translationswissenschaft}, Address = {Wien}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Lexikon der Geisteswissenschaften. Sachbegriffe - Disziplinen - Personen}, Editor = {Reinalter, Helmut; Brenner, Peter}, Pages = {1095-1100}, Publisher = {Böhlau}, Year = {2011}, Pdf = {/home/peter/daten/refs/publik/translex.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2012.02.23} } @Inbook{Sandrini2005a, Title = {Spinnweben als Sprachenfalle}, Address = {Frankfurt}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Fluctuat nec mergitur. Translation und Gesellschaft. Festschrift für Annemarie Schmid zum 75. Geburtstag}, Editor = {Sandrini, Peter}, Pages = {209--221}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2005}, Keywords = {Weblokalisierung}, Pdf = {spinnweb.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2015, Title = {Digital Scholarship in Translation Studies: a Plea for Openness}, Address = {Innsbruck}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Translation and Openness}, Editor = {Sandrini, Peter; Marta García González (eds.)}, Pages = {177-194}, Publisher = {innsbruck university press}, Year = {2015}, Abstract = {In the third contribution of the volume, Peter Sandrini investigates why and how the free operating system GNU/Linux is suitable as a platform for multilingual text pro- duction and translation by outlining the rationale behind their development and their historical evolution. He presents several specific initiatives and ex- amples of GNU/Linux based open desktop systems for translators and discusses potential reasons why a wider adoption in the translation community has not yet taken place.}, Doi = {10.15203/2936-88-2-10}, Keywords = {Openness, Open Access, Creative Commons, Translation, Translation Studies, Open Publishing, Research Assessment, Journal Impact Factor, Impact Factor}, Series = {Edited Volume Series}, File = {:digscholar.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {10.11.2015}, Url = {http://homepage.uibk.ac.at/~c61302/transopen.html} } @Inbook{Sandrini2015a, Title = {Openness in Computing: The Case of Linux for Translators}, Address = {Innsbruck}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Translation and Openness}, Editor = {Sandrini, Peter; Marta García González (eds.)}, Pages = {61-79}, Publisher = {innsbruck university press}, Year = {2015}, Abstract = {In the third contribution of the volume, Peter Sandrini investigates why and how the free operating system GNU/Linux is suitable as a platform for multilingual text pro- duction and translation by outlining the rationale behind their development and their historical evolution. He presents several specific initiatives and ex- amples of GNU/Linux based open desktop systems for translators and discusses potential reasons why a wider adoption in the translation community has not yet taken place.}, Doi = {10.15203/2936-88-2-4}, Keywords = {Openness, Open Source, Translation Technology, CAT, Free Software, tuxtrans, Linux for Translators}, Series = {Edited Volume Series}, File = {:opencomp.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {10.11.2015}, Url = {http://homepage.uibk.ac.at/~c61302/transopen.html} } @Inbook{Sandrini2009a, Title = {Der transkulturelle Vergleich von Rechtsbegriffen}, Address = {Zagreb}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Legal Language in Action: Translation, Terminology, Drafting and Procedural Issues}, Editor = {Šarčević, Susan}, Pages = {151-165}, Publisher = {Globus}, Year = {2009}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen, Terminologie}, Pdf = {LLtempus.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {15.09.2009} } @Inbook{Sandrini2010a, Title = {Identität, Alterität und Hybridität in nicht-fiktionalen Webtexten: Die Sisyphosarbeit des Übersetzers}, Address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Identitätskonstruktionen in fiktionalen und nicht-fiktionalen Texten: Übersetzung und Rezeption}, Editor = {Sommerfeld, Beate; Kęsicka, Karolina}, Pages = {259-270}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2010}, Keywords = {Weblokalisierung}, Pdf = {identit.pdf}, Series = {Posener Beiträge zur Germanistik}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {21.01.2010} } @Inbook{Sandrini2016c, Title = {Sprach- oder Kulturgrenzen? Übersetzen für Regional- und Minderheitensprachen}, Address = {Frankfurt}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Transgressionen im Spiegel der Übersetzung. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Maria Krysztofiak-Kaszyńska}, Editor = {Sommerfeld, Beate; Kęsicka, Karolina; Korycińska-Wegner Malgorzata; Fimiak-Chwilkowska Anna}, Pages = {105-119}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2016}, Keywords = {Translationspraxis}, File = {:krysztofiak2016.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {12.09.2016} } @Article{Sandrini2011, Title = {Tecnologia FLOSS per la traduzione: Disponibilità, applicazione e problematiche}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {inTRAlinea}, Pages = {no pages}, Volume = {Special Issue: Specialized Translation II}, Year = {2012}, Address = {Forlì}, Editor = {Wiesmann, Eva}, Keywords = {Translationstechnologie, Open Source}, Month = {3-2012}, Pdf = {/home/peter/daten/refs/publik/itafloss.pdf}, Abstract = {English: The global changes in technology, society and economy have made the use of digital tools a necessity, this holds true even more for the globalized business of translation and localization. Today, a wide variety of free and libre open source software (FLOSS) tools exist for translation, so that is possible to set up a free and independent workstation for the translator allowing the use not just of translation memories, terminology management or alignment tools, concordancers and other specific tools, but also of free standards. FLOSS tools are especially suited for open and collaborative environments, thus also for research and training at universities. This paper gives an overview over the state of the art in FLOSS translation tools, describes the FLOSS proposals made available by the University of Innsbruck and argues for the adoption of FLOSS translation tools in the academia. Italian: I cambiamenti globali che hanno interessato la tecnologia, la società e l’economia hanno fatto dell’utilizzo degli strumenti digitali una necessità, e questo è tanto più vero per l’attività globalizzata della traduzione e della localizzazione. Oggigiorno, è disponibile un’ampia varietà di applicazioni software liberamente disponibili (FLOSS) per la traduzione. Ciò rende possibile costruire una stazione di lavoro gratuita e indipendente per il traduttore il quale potrà in tal modo disporre non solo di memorie di traduzione, di strumenti di gestione della terminologia o di allineamento, di concordancers e di altri strumenti specifici, ma anche di standard gratuiti. Gli strumenti FLOSS si prestano particolarmente ad ambienti aperti e collaborativi e pertanto anche alla ricerca e alla formazione presso le Università. Il presente lavoro offre una panoramica dello stato dell’arte degli strumenti FLOSS per la traduzione, ne descrive le proposte elaborate dall’Università di Innsbruck e propone l’adozione di tali strumenti in ambito accademico.}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2012.02.25}, Url = {http://www.intralinea.org/specials/article/1796} } @Inbook{Sandrini2010b, Title = {Rechtsübersetzen in der EU: Translatio Legis Pluribus}, Address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Translationswissenschaft - Stand und Perspektiven. Innsbrucker Ringvorlesungen zur Translationswissenschaft VI}, Editor = {Zybatow, Lew}, Pages = {143-157}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2010}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen, Fachkommunikation}, Pdf = {ring08.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {25.02.2010} } @Inbook{Sandrini2009, Title = {Lokalisierung globaler Webinhalte: Eine Herausforderung für Translationswissenschaftler}, Address = {Frankfurt am Main}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Translation: Neue Entwicklungen in Theorie und Praxis. SummerTrans-Lektionen zur Translationswissenschaft; IATI-Beiträge I.}, Editor = {Zybatow, Lew}, Pages = {139-147}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2009}, Keywords = {Weblokalisierung}, Pdf = {sumtransI.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {15.09.2009} } @Inbook{Sandrini2007, Title = {Mehrsprachigkeit im regionalen Raum: Webauftritte exportorientierter Unternehmen}, Address = {Frankfurt am Main}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Sprach(en)Kontakt - Mehrsprachigkeit - Translation. Innsbrucker Ringvorlesungen zur Translationswissenschaft V}, Editor = {Zybatow, Lew}, Pages = {327--338}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2007}, Keywords = {Weblokalisierung}, Pdf = {webring.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06}, Url = {file:///G:\daten\internet\homepage\publik\webring.pdf} } @Inbook{Sandrini2006, Title = {Translationstechnologie. Überblick und Aussicht}, Address = {Frankfurt}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Innsbrucker Ringvorlesungen zur Translationswissenschaft IV}, Editor = {Zybatow, Lew}, Pages = {203-220}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2005}, Keywords = {Translationstechnologie}, Pdf = {transtech.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2004, Title = {Globalisierung und Mehrsprachigkeit: Translation im Wandel}, Address = {Tübingen}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Translation zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Innsbrucker Ringvorlesungen zur Translationswissenschaft}, Editor = {Zybatow, Lew}, Pages = {165--177}, Publisher = {Gunter Narr}, Year = {2004}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft}, Pdf = {global01.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2002b, Title = {Mehrsprachige Fachkommunikation: Wissens- und Kulturtransfer im Zeitalter der Globalisierung}, Address = {Frankfurt am Main}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Translation zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Innsbrucker Ringvorlesungen zur Translationswissenschaft}, Editor = {Zybatow, Lew}, Pages = {395--410}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2002}, Keywords = {Fachsprachenforschung}, Pdf = {lingkoll.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini2014, Title = {Translationskompetenz und Ausbildung: Globalisierung, Technologie, Beruf}, Address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, Author = {Peter Sandrini}, Booktitle = {Bausteine translatorischer Kompetenz oder Was macht Übersetzer und Dolmetscher zu Profis}, Editor = {Zybatow, L.; Ustazweski, M.}, Pages = {17-30}, Publisher = {Peter Lang.}, Year = {2014}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft, Translationspraxis, Translationstechnologie, Maschinenübersetzung}, File = {:RF7.pdf:PDF} } @Inbook{Sandrini2012, Title = {Texttechnologie und Translation}, Address = {Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Translationswissenschaft interdisziplinär: Fragen der Theorie und Didaktik Translation Studies: Interdisciplinary Issues in Theory and Didactics Tagungsband der 1. Internationalen Konferenz TRANSLATA «Translationswissenschaft: gestern - heute - morgen», 12.-14. Mai 2011, Innsbruck Proceedings of the 1st International Conference TRANSLATA «Translation and Interpreting Research: yesterday - today - tomorrow», May 12-14, 2011, Innsbruck}, Editor = {Zybatow, Lew N.; Petrova, Alena; Ustaszewski, Michael}, Pages = {21-33}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2012}, Keywords = {Translationstechnologie, Translationswissenschaft, Textlinguistik}, Pdf = {/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/translata.pdf}, Series = {Reihe: Forum Translationswissenschaft}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2012.02.24}, Volume = {Band 15} } @Inbook{Sandrini2017, Title = {Translation 4.0 -- Eine Perspektivenverschiebung}, Address = {Frankfurt}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {Übersetzen und Dolmetschen: Berufsbilder, Arbeitsfelder, Ausbildung. Ein- und Ausblicke in ei sich wandelndes Berufsfeld der Zukunft}, Editor = {Zybatow, Lew; Petrova, Alena; Stauder, Andy; Ustaszewski, Michael}, Pages = {139-152}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2017}, Keywords = {Translationstechnologie, Translationswissenschaft, Translationspraxis}, File = {:translation40.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {09.10.2017} } @Book{Sandrini2019a, address = {Berlin}, author = {Sandrini, Peter}, publisher = {Frank \& Timme}, title = {Translationspolitik für Regional- oder Minderheitensprachen. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung einer Strategie der Offenheit}, year = {2019}, isbn = {978-3-7329-0513-3}, pages = {525}, series = {TransÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens 99}, url = {http://www.frank-timme.de/verlag/verlagsprogramm/buch/verlagsprogramm/bd-99-peter-sandrini-translationspolitik-fuer-regional-oder-minderheitensprachen/backPID/transued-arbeiten-zur-theorie-und-praxis-des-uebersetzens-und-dolmetschens-1.html}, volume = {TransÜD 99}, groups = {c61302:6}, keywords = {Translationspolitik, Translationspraxis, Translationswissenschaft}, owner = {c61302}, pdf = {978-3-7329-0513-3-OA-klein.pdf}, timestamp = {08.10.2019}, } @TechReport{Sandrini2014e, Title = {Translation Technology Use in Regional or Minority Languages. Preliminary results of the survey (April-May 2014)}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Institution = {University of Innsbruck}, Year = {2014}, Month = {June 2014}, Number = {http://www.uibk.ac.at/downloads/trans/publik/survey-report.pdf}, File = {:survey-report.pdf:PDF}, Journal = {http://www.uibk.ac.at/downloads/trans/publik/survey-report.pdf}, Keywords = {Translationstechnologie}, Owner = {c61302}, Publisher = {University of Innsbruck}, Timestamp = {03.07.2014} } @Article{Sandrini2010d, Title = {Terminologieausbildung in Innsbruck}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {eDITion Terminologiemagazin des Deutschen Terminologietages e.V.}, Pages = {23}, Volume = {2/2010}, Year = {2010}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Pdf = {/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/terminaus.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {10.08.2010} } @Article{Sandrini2009c, Title = {The Parameters of Multilingual Legal Communication in a Globalized World}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {Comparative Legilinguistics. International Journal for Legal Communication}, Pages = {34-48}, Volume = {1}, Year = {2009}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {Poznan2006.pdf}, Owner = {user}, Timestamp = {2009.12.11} } @Electronic{Sandrini2008e, Title = {Freie Translationstechnologie: Identität durch Kooperation}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Keywords = {Open Source}, Url = {http://www.staff.amu.edu.pl/~ifguam/PDF/konferencje/2009_konf_trans_05_sandrini.pdf}, Year = {2008}, HowPublished = {www}, Language = {de}, Month = {November}, Pdf = {freisoftw.pdf}, Address = {Poznan}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {15.09.2009} } @Electronic{Sandrini, Title = {Webtexte: eine neue Herausforderung für Übersetzer}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Keywords = {Weblokalisierung}, Url = {http://www.staff.amu.edu.pl/~ifguam/PDF/konferencje/2009_konf_trans_05_sandrini.pdf}, Year = {2007}, HowPublished = {http://www.staff.amu.edu.pl/~ifguam/PDF/konferencje/2009_konf_trans_05_sandrini.pdf}, Language = {de}, Month = {Oktober}, Pages = {--}, Pdf = {webtexte-wspoznan.pdf}, Address = {Poznan}, Booktitle = {Workshop Poznan}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Unpublished{Sandrinia, Title = {Website Translation: a New Training Challenge}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Year = {2006}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/didaweb.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2012.03.05} } @TechReport{Sandrini2002, Title = {Weblokalisierung im regionalen Raum. Umfrage und Auswertung. Endbericht der LV "Translation und neue Medien" SS2002}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Institution = {Institut für Translationswissenschaft}, Year = {2002}, Address = {Innsbruck}, Keywords = {Weblokalisierung}, Owner = {c61302}, Pages = {--}, Pdf = {weblokal.pdf}, Publisher = {Institut für Translationswissenschaft}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @TechReport{Sandrini2001a, Title = {Projektbericht: Terminologie Österreich - Italien in Recht und Wirtschaft (Interreg II)}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Institution = {Institut für Translationswissenschaft}, Year = {2001}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Owner = {c61302}, Pages = {--}, Pdf = {pbericht.pdf}, Publisher = {Institut für Translationswissenschaft}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Article{Sandrini1999a, Title = {Terminology and Knowledge Engineering TKE'99. Kongreßbericht}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {technische Kommunikation}, Pages = {21-24}, Volume = {6/99}, Year = {1999}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Pdf = {tkekom.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Publisher = {TeKom}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Article{Sandrini1999b, Title = {Legal Terminology. Some Aspects for a New Methodology}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {Hermes, Journal of Linguistics}, Pages = {101--112}, Volume = {22 - 1999}, Year = {1999}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen, Terminologie}, Pdf = {legal.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Publisher = {Aarhus School of Business, Arhus}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Article{Sandrini1998, Title = {Zum Urheberrechtsschutz bei terminologischen Diplomarbeiten}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {TEXTconTEXT}, Pages = {163--175}, Volume = {3:1998}, Year = {1998}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/urheb.pdf:PDF}, Pdf = {urheb.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Publisher = {Heidelberg}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Article{Sandrini1998c, Title = {Rezension: La traduzione. Nuovi approcci tra teoria e pratica. A cura di Reiner Arntz. Bolzano: Accademia Europea/Napoli: CUEN 1995}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {Romanische Forschungen. Vierteljahresschrift für romanische Sprachen und Literaturen}, Pages = {115--117}, Volume = {2:1998}, Year = {1998}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/roman.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft}, Number = {110}, Pdf = {roman.pdf}, Comment = {Rezension}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Conference{Sandrini1997a, Title = {Terminographie im Cyberspace. Anwendung moderner computergestützter Methoden in der Terminologiearbeit}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Booktitle = {25. Österreichischer Linguistentag, Workshop Sprache und Computer, Innsbruck 24. Oktober 1997}, Year = {1997}, Pages = {--}, Publisher = {Innsbruck}, Comment = {Terminologie}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Article{Sandrini1997b, Title = {From Scratch to the Web: Terminological Theses at the University of Innsbruck: The Use of Terminology Management Systems and the World Wide Web}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {Terminology Science \& Research}, Pages = {127--136}, Volume = {1/2:1997}, Year = {1997}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/scratch.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Pdf = {:scratch.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Publisher = {IITF, Wien}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Book{Sandrini1996, Title = {Terminologiearbeit im Recht. Deskriptiver begriffsorientierter Ansatz vom Standpunkt des Übersetzers}, Address = {Wien}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Publisher = {TermNet}, Year = {1996}, Pdf = {:diss1996.pdf:PDF}, Volume = {IITF Series 8}, Comment = {Rechtssprache, Terminologielehre, Terminographie}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/diss1996.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Pages = {--}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06}, Url = {ISBN 3-901010-15-7} } @Article{Sandrini1995, Title = {Übersetzer auf der Datenautobahn. Online Ressourcen für Sprachmittler}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {Mitteilungsblatt des österreichischen Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherverbandes Universitas}, Pages = {2--5}, Volume = {3:1995}, Year = {1995}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/univers.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Translationstechnologie}, Pdf = {:univers.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {c61302}, Publisher = {Wien}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Article{Sandrini1994, Title = {Der treffende Ausdruck als Faktor der Produktivität}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung}, Pages = {15--}, Volume = {17:1994 vom 29. April 1994}, Year = {1994}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Owner = {c61302}, Publisher = {Bozen}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Article{Sandrini1993a, Title = {Die Rolle des Übersetzers im mehrsprachigen Umfeld}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {Lebende Sprachen}, Pages = {54--57}, Volume = {2:1993}, Year = {1993}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/rolle.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft}, Pdf = {:rolle.pdf:PDF}, Comment = {Übersetzungswissenschaft}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Article{Sandrini1991, Title = {Übersetzung italienischer Gesetzestexte ins Deutsche am Beispiel Blaue Reihe}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {Terminologie \& Traduction}, Pages = {317--320}, Volume = {3:1991}, Year = {1991}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/blaurei.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {blaurei.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Article{Sandrini1990, Title = {Datenbankprojekt der Europäischen Akademie Bozen}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {Terminologie \& Traduction}, Pages = {53--69}, Volume = {3:1990}, Year = {1990}, File = {:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik/T&T1991c.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Pdf = {T&T1991c.pdf}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Article{Sandrini1989, Title = {Ein unnötiges Übel? Einstiegsversuch in die Theorie der Übersetzung}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, Journal = {Kulturzeitschrift DISTEL}, Pages = {46--49}, Volume = {3:1989}, Year = {1989}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @MastersThesis{Sandrini1988, Title = {Probleme der italienisch-deutschen Übersetzung im Bereich des Kündigungsschutzes unter Berücksichtigung der Südtirol-spezifischen Anwendungsproblematik}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter}, School = {Universität Innsbruck}, Year = {1988}, Address = {Innsbruck}, Abstract = {Datei disk.zip}, Booktitle = {phil. Diplomarbeit}, File = {ZIP-Paket mit Hypertextanwendung:disk.zip.txt:Text}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen, Terminologie}, Pages = {--}, Pdf = {http://homepage.uibk.ac.at/~c61302/publik/disk.zip}, Publisher = {Innsbruck} } @Book{1999, Title = {Terminology and Knowledge Engineering TKE '99. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering TKE'99 in Innsbruck 23-27 August 1999}, Address = {Wien}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter (ed.)}, Keywords = {Terminologie}, Publisher = {TermNet}, Year = {1999}, Owner = {c61302}, Pages = {830--}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Book{Sandrini2005, Title = {Fluctuat nec mergitur. Translation und Gesellschaft. Festschrift für Annemarie Schmid zum 75. Geburtstag}, Address = {Frankfurt}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter (Hg.)}, Keywords = {Translationswissenschaft}, Publisher = {Peter Lang}, Year = {2005}, Pdf = {Festschrift-AS6.pdf}, Volume = {5}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.04} } @Book{Sandrini2002a, Title = {TermLeg 2.0 - Arbeitsrecht: Ein terminologischer Vergleich Italienisch - Deutsch CD-Rom}, Address = {Innsbruck}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter (Hg.)}, Keywords = {Terminologie, Rechtsübersetzen}, Publisher = {Studia-Verlag, Innsbruck}, Year = {2002}, File = {:TermLeg2.0.zip.txt:Text;TermLeg2.0.zip.txt::}, Owner = {c61302}, Pages = {--}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Book{Sandrini2001, Title = {TermLeg 1.0 - Vertragsrecht: Ein terminologischer Vergleich Italienisch - Deutsch CD-Rom}, Address = {Innsbruck}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter (Hg.)}, Keywords = {Terminologie, Rechtsübersetzen}, Publisher = {Studia-Verlag, Innsbruck}, Year = {2001}, File = {:TermLeg1.0.zip.txt:Text}, Owner = {c61302}, Pages = {--}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Book{1999a, Title = {Übersetzen von Rechtstexten. Fachkommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Rechtsordnung und Sprache}, Address = {Tübingen}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter (Hg.)}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen}, Publisher = {Gunter Narr}, Year = {1999}, Pdf = {RechtsU99.pdf}, Series = {(=FFF Forum zur Fachsprachenforschung 54)}, Abstract = {ISBN 3-8233-5359-4}, Owner = {c61302}, Pages = {303--}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Inbook{Sandrini1999, Title = {Translation zwischen Kultur und Kommunikation: Der Sonderfall Recht}, Address = {Tübingen}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter (Hg.)}, Booktitle = {Übersetzen von Rechtstexten. Fachkommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Rechtsordnungen und Sprachen}, Pages = {11--37}, Publisher = {Narr}, Year = {1999}, Keywords = {Rechtsübersetzen}, Pdf = {trankult.pdf}, Comment = {Rechtsübersetzung}, Owner = {c61302}, Timestamp = {2007.12.06} } @Book{Sandrini2015c, Title = {Translation and Openness: An Introduction}, Address = {Innsbruck}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter; Marta García González}, Keywords = {Openness, Open Source, Open Access, Creative Commons, Translation, Translation Studies, Open Publishing, Translation Technology, CAT, Free Software, Research Assessment, Journal IMpact Factor, Impact Factor}, Publisher = {innsbruck university press}, Year = {2015}, Doi = {10.15203/2936-88-2-1}, Series = {Edited Volume Series}, Abstract = {Thinking about openness and implementing openness in our attitudes and actions have considerable bearing on our conception of ourselves as translators or researchers. Openness indeed questions the very role of translated texts, multilingual translation resources, the ethics of translators, their professional behavior, the self-conception of academics and researchers, as well as the role and availability of research results in society. It therefore constitutes one of the most stimulating challenges that the world of professional translation and translation studies have yet faced. The contributions to this volume review some of these topics in three thematic sections: the first and most substantial part deals with the concept of openness in ICT (open data, open tools, open computer systems, and quality evaluation of open software), the middle part is concerned with translators training and the use of open software, and the last part discusses openness in academia on the basis of the concepts of a Scientist 2.0 and Digital Scholarship. An exhaustive list of references covering the topic is given as an appendix, as well as a keyword index.}, Booktitle = {Translation and Openness}, Editor = {Sandrini, Peter; Marta García González (eds.)}, File = {:open-intro.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {peter}, Pages = {7-17}, Timestamp = {02.12.2015}, Url = {http://homepage.uibk.ac.at/~c61302/transopen.html} } @Book{SandriniGarciaGonzalez2015, Title = {Translation and Openness}, Address = {Innsbruck}, Author = {Sandrini, Peter; Marta García González (eds.)}, Keywords = {Openness, Open Source, Open Access, Creative Commons, Translation, Translation Studies, Open Publishing, Translation Technology, CAT, Free Software, Research Assessment, Journal IMpact Factor, Impact Factor}, Publisher = {innsbruck university press}, Year = {2015}, Doi = {10.15203/2936-88-2}, Series = {Edited Volume Series}, Abstract = {Thinking about openness and implementing openness in our attitudes and actions have considerable bearing on our conception of ourselves as translators or researchers. Openness indeed questions the very role of translated texts, multilingual translation resources, the ethics of translators, their professional behavior, the self-conception of academics and researchers, as well as the role and availability of research results in society. It therefore constitutes one of the most stimulating challenges that the world of professional translation and translation studies have yet faced. The contributions to this volume review some of these topics in three thematic sections: the first and most substantial part deals with the concept of openness in ICT (open data, open tools, open computer systems, and quality evaluation of open software), the middle part is concerned with translators training and the use of open software, and the last part discusses openness in academia on the basis of the concepts of a Scientist 2.0 and Digital Scholarship. An exhaustive list of references covering the topic is given as an appendix, as well as a keyword index.}, Booktitle = {Translation and Openness}, Editor = {Sandrini, Peter; Marta García González (eds.)}, File = {:trans-openness.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {peter}, Pages = {7-17}, Timestamp = {14.10.2015}, Url = {http://homepage.uibk.ac.at/~c61302/transopen.html} } @InBook{Sandrini-Dolmetschen2021, author = {Sandrini, Peter}, booktitle = {Entwicklungslinien des Dolmetschens im soziokulturellen Kontext. Translationskultur[en] im DACH-Raum}, date = {2021}, title = {Von Kommunikationsprothesen zu Wegbereitern der Mehrsprachigkeit}, editor = {Pöllabauer, Sonja; Kadric, Mira}, isbn = {978-3-8233-8352-9}, number = {17}, pages = {31-47}, publisher = {Narr Francke Attempto}, series = {Translationswissenschaft}, abstract = {Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Berufswelt bringen für die Sprachmittlung große Veränderungen, die nicht durch Verhinderungs- und Umgehungs­strategien bewältigt werden können, sondern grundlegender Reflexion bedürfen, damit sie als Chance begriffen werden können. Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit Zukunftsaussichten und den daraus sich ergebenden Konsequenzen für die Translation im allgemeinen sowie der unerlässlichen Anpassung und Umgestaltung von Beruf und Ausbildung im Besonderen.}, address = {Tübingen}, owner = {c61302}, timestamp = {03.09.2021}, } @InBook{sandrini2022neuronale, author = {Sandrini, Peter}, editor = {Hebenstreit, G.; Hofeneder, P.}, pages = {115-134}, publisher = {Frank \& Timme GmbH}, title = {Die neuronale didaktische Herausforderung: Berufsbild und Kompetenzen im Wandel}, year = {2022}, volume = {124}, journal = {Translation im Wandel: Gesellschaftliche, konzeptuelle und didaktische Perspektiven}, } @Online{., owner = {c61302}, } @Article{SandriniTranslationPracticeInSouthTyrolTowardsACommitmentToProfessionalTranslationExpertise., author = {Sandrini, Peter}, journal = {Eurac Research}, title = {Translation Practice in South Tyrol. Towards a Commitment to Professional Translation Expertise}, volume = {Eurac Research: Inventing Science in a Region. 30 Years EURAC}, year = {2022}, file = {:2022-Translation_Practice_South_Tyrol.pdf:PDF}, owner = {c61302}, url = {https://website-git-feature-festschrift-eurac.vercel.app/publication/eurac-research-inventing-science-in-a-region/interdisciplinarity/translation-practice-in-south-tyrol-towards-a-commitment-to-professional-translat}, } @Article{, owner = {c61302}, timestamp = {01.01.2023}, } @Article{Sandrini-economy, author = {Sandrini, Peter}, journal = {Translation Matters}, pages = {49-62}, title = {“It’s the economy, stupid”: discussing the translator’s business against the background of a changing techno-economic landscape}, year = {2022}, issn = {2184-4585}, number = {No. 2}, volume = {Vol. 4}, abstract = {This paper starts by discussing the economic impacts of technology and automation on translators’ activities. It then proposes a model to account for the depreciation of skills and respective economic consequences caused by technological changes, described as the translators' ‘obsolescence cycle’. This highlights the need for translators to adapt and reconfigure their expertise in order to accompany these changing circumstances, something that can be done by shifting the focus of their activities away from production towards more managerial responsibilities, including advisory, supervisory and planning functions. On a broader scale, management and the organisation of translation converge in the concept of translation policy, a still under-researched topic, which could prove to be a potentially rewarding field of action for translators.}, editor = {Karen Bennet}, keywords = {Translation Business, Organization, Management, Productivity, Efficiency, Translator’s Expertise, Translation Policy}, owner = {c61302}, timestamp = {01.01.2023}, url = {https://doi.org/10.21747/21844585/tm4_2}, } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;} @Comment{jabref-meta: fileDirectory:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik;} @Comment{jabref-meta: fileDirectory-c61302-Dell-OptiPlex-960:/home/c61302/daten/refs/publik;} @Comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:Sandrini, Peter;} @Comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:Fachsprachenforschung;Hypertexte;Kulturwissenschaft;Lokalisierung;Maschinenübersetzung;Rechtsübersetzen;Softwarelokalisierung;Terminologie;Textlinguistik;Translationspolitik;Translationspraxis;Translationstechnologie;Translationswissenschaft;Weblokalisierung;} @Comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:Gunter Narr;John Benjamins;Olms;Peter Lang;TermNet;}